Precision Driver Safety Training
Driver Training is a requirement by the University for all faculty, staff, and authorized student drivers, that require the use of a 12 passenger or 15 passenger van transporting students. (All drivers must be 21 years of age or older.)
Offered by OSUPD and OSU Motorpool
Driver Training is a requirement by the University for all faculty, staff, and authorized student drivers, that require the use of a 12 passenger or 15 passenger van transporting students. (All drivers must be 21 years of age or older.)
The Precision Driver Training consists of two required sessions: A classroom session
from 8:00am to 11:00am in room 110 at the Transportation Services Multi-Modal building
on Hall of Fame Ave and a driving course from 1:00pm to no later than 5:00pm. The
vehicles and educational materials required for completion are included in the price
of the training.
The OSU parking map is linked below for individuals with an OSU parking permit (The
yellow star is the location of the classroom):
Individuals who do not have a parking permit can purchase a daily temp parking permit
through the link below:
The cost of the training is $150.00 per participant, which will be billed to the fund
or Bursar account provided on the registration form. OSU departments and organizations
should use a valid fund, while affiliated and non-affiliated entities should use their
OSU Bursar account.
The registration form must be completed by an authorized, full-time employee who can
incur charges on the fund or Bursar account provided. The registration form is linked
below: Driver Training Registration Form
Rescheduling Procedure
Training rescheduling can occur at any time for a variety of reasons including but not limited to weather events, instructor notification, and unexpected conflicts. Should this occur, a new training date will be scheduled as soon as possible, and participants will be notified of the new date and automatically transferred. It is the responsibility of the participant and/or department scheduler to inform Motor Pool if they need to cancel their registration for the new date. If the participant’s registration is not cancelled before the new training date, the fund on file will be billed the full amount of the training regardless of their attendance status.